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13 November 2011
Records: 3081, Authors: 3111, Journals: 1, Cited References: 36918, Words: 3906
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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1Glanzel W11210472306
2Schubert A1048691746
3Braun T687461387
4Rousseau R56161522
5Egghe L50175590
6Leydesdorff L49240665
7Moed HF33361936
9Vinkler P30191424
10Gupta BM2859128
11Kretschmer H2482218
12van Raan AFJ24191696
13Courtial JP23146358
14Garg KC23125199
15Lewison G2387260
16Meyer M23196463
17VanRaan AFJ23160466
18Bonitz M2262121
19Small H22153514
20Thijs B21141331
21Debackere K1996207
22Thelwall M1967311
23van Leeuwen TN19109345
24Persson O18162473
25Zitt M18109306
26Ho YS1725376
27Nederhof AJ17131345
28Pouris A173354
29Wilson CS1746151
30Bar-Ilan J1652263
31Bordons M1689262
32Gomez I16107253
33Abramo G152237
34Burrell QL1550155
35D'Angelo CA152237
36HAITUN SD1592204
37Tijssen RJW15134343
38Daniel HD1452206
39Guan JC144796
40Bassecoulard E13101285
41Eto H134375
42Leta J1380193
43Narin F13169467
44Yu G132950
45Bornmann L1246188
46Campanario JM122362
47Kostoff RN1250176
48Liang LM1232104
49Martin BR1288202
50Nagpaul PS124776
51Okubo Y1293180
52Russell JM124082
53Zsindely S1274162
54Mendez A115494
55Grupp H1068152
56Kumar S103262
57Noyons ECM102474
58TODOROV R102566
59Arunachalam S945105
60Bhattacharya S94499
61de Moya-Anegon F91549
62Fernandez MT973188
63Garfield E943191
64Ingwersen P959196
65Karisiddappa CR92041
66Miquel JF976133
67Nalimov VV947
68Ortega JL9518
69Peritz BC929114
70Prathap G91117
71Rao IKR92760
72Scharnhorst A954132
73Schmoch U963142
74Tsay MY92156
75VLACHY J91358
76Wagner-Dobler R91845
77Aguillo IF81138
78Dore JC84695
79FRAME JD82246
80Hinze S82254
81Krauskopf M84368
82Luwel M841103
83Markpin T82165
84Prpic K83992
86Snizek WE81838
87Sombatsompop N82165
88Visser MS854179
89Wouters P81857
90Abt HA72158
91Borner K726157
92Breimer LH71213
93Chen DZ71434
94Czerwon HJ750121
95Danell R737115
96Huang MH71434
97Kalyane VL71524
98Kumar V71123
99Kundra R71424
101Moya-Anegon F71854
102Park HW7823
103Plaza LM71227
104Qiu JP71024
105Rey-Rocha J72145
106Sooryamoorthy R71628
107Uzun A72653
108van den Besselaar P724100
109Van Looy B72643
110Yitzhaki M71657
111Zhou P73482
113Bailon-Moreno R61431
114Balaban AT61429
115Boyack KW633187
116CALLON M648132
117Chen YS61437
118Dou H659
119Francois C61240
120Gorraiz J646
121Griffith BC6820
122Hargens LL61139
123INHABER H61739
124Kademani BS61123
125KUNZ M6928
126Kyvik S62876
127LEPAIR C62351
128Li YJ61016
129Luukkonen T662135
130Markusova VA61527
131Martin-Sempere MJ61737
132McCain KW626103
133Melin G656157
134Oppenheim C6832
135Padhi P64769
136Polanco X61132
137Porter AL635155
138Premkamolnetr N61549
139Quoniam L639
140Sangam SL626
141Sharma P61934
142Trimble V6315
143Turner WA6420
144van Eck NJ6416
145Vaughan L61465
146Winterhager M61429
147Yu DR6817
148Aksnes DW550166
149Archambault E51471
150Arvanitis R52347
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