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4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitution | Institution with Subdivision | Country
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#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
1201Univ Colorado, Dept Psychol3520
1202Univ Colorado, Hlth Sci Ctr104
1203Univ Colorado, Inst Behav Genet112
1204Univ Colorado, Inst Cognit Sci1519
1205Univ Complutense Madrid, Dept Psicol Basica Proc Cognit 2100
1206Univ Complutense Madrid, Fac Psicol100
1207Univ Connecticut, Ctr Hlth3640
1208Univ Connecticut, Sch Med100
1209Univ Connecticut, Sch Nursing100
1210Univ Connecticut, Sch Pharm100
1211Univ Copenhagen, Dept Neurosci & Pharmacol100
1212Univ Dresden, Dept Psychiat & Psychotherapy1224
1213Univ Dublin Trinity Coll, Dept Psychol271142
1214Univ Dublin Trinity Coll, Inst Neurosci171142
1215Univ Dublin Trinity Coll, Sch Psychol23151
1216Univ Dublin Trinity Coll, Trinity Coll21218
1217Univ Dublin Trinity Coll, Trinity Coll Inst Neurosci11933
1218Univ Duisburg Essen, Univ Hosp1013
1219Univ Dusseldorf, Ctr Biol & Med Res1321
1220Univ Dusseldorf, Dept Psychiat1224
1221Univ Dusseldorf, Inst Physiol Psychol1321
1222Univ Dusseldorf, Inst Social Med1013
1223Univ E London, Sch Psychol4539
1224Univ Erlangen Nurnberg, Dept Psychiat & Psychotherapy1112
1225Univ Exeter, Exeter Ctr Cognit Neurosci127
1226Univ Exeter, MR Res Ctr127
1227Univ Exeter, Sch Sport & Hlth Sci2210
1228Univ Extremadura, Sch Med100
1229Univ Fed Espirito Santo, Dept Clin Med101
1230Univ Fed Espirito Santo, Hlth Sci Ctr1013
#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
1231Univ Fed Espirito Santo, Programa Posgrad Ciencias Fisiol101
1232Univ Fed Rio de Janeiro, Anxiety & Depress Res Program100
1233Univ Fed Rio de Janeiro, Inst Ciencias Biomed106
1234Univ Fed Rio Grande do Sul, Ctr Drug & Alcohol Res204
1235Univ Fed Rio Grande do Sul, Dept Biochem104
1236Univ Fed Rio Grande do Sul, Dept Psychiat & Legal Med104
1237Univ Fed Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre100
1238Univ Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Psiquiatria100
1239Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Psychiat103
1240Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Psychobiol112
1241Univ Florida, Coll Journalism & Commun105
1242Univ Florida, Coll Liberal Arts & Sci105
1243Univ Florida, Coll Med3345
1244Univ Florida, Dept Anesthesiol102
1245Univ Florida, Dept Community Hlth & Family Med102
1246Univ Florida, Dept Neurosci102
1247Univ Florida, Dept Psychiat314
1248Univ Florida, McKnight Brain Inst61030
1249Univ Geneva, Child & Adolescent Psychol Unit21941
1250Univ Geneva, Cognit Psychopathol & Neuropsychol Unit31943
1251Univ Geneva, Dept Psychiat103
1252Univ Geneva, FPSE100
1253Univ Geneva, Med Ctr100
1254Univ Geneva, Swiss Ctr Affect Sci100
1255Univ Georgia, Dept Biochem102
1256Univ Georgia, Dept Kinesiol101
1257Univ Georgia, Regenerat Biosci Ctr102
1258Univ Ghent, Dept Expt Psychol222
1259Univ Ghent, Ghent Inst Funct & Metab Imaging222
1260Univ Ghent, Lab Radiopharm100
#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
1261Univ Giessen, Bender Inst Neuroimaging212
1262Univ Gothenburg, Dept Psychol206
1263Univ Gottingen, Dept Med Psychol26164
1264Univ Gottingen, Dept Neurol1032
1265Univ Gottingen, Dept Neuroradiol1032
1266Univ Gottingen, Dept Psychiat & Psychotherapy1413
1267Univ Granada100
1268Univ Granada, Dept Clin Psychol21956
1269Univ Granada, Dept Enfermeria144
1270Univ Granada, Dept Nursing102
1271Univ Granada, Dept Personal Evaluat & Psychol Treatment1821
1272Univ Granada, Dept Personalid Evaluac & Tratmientop Psicol145
1273Univ Granada, Dept Personalidad1911
1274Univ Granada, Dept Personalidad Evaluac & Tratamiento Psicol74790
1275Univ Granada, Dept Personalidad Evaluac & Trateamiento Psicol11646
1276Univ Granada, Dept Personalidad Evaluac & Tratimento Psicol11842
1277Univ Granada, Dept Psicol Expt & Fisiol Comportamiento12958
1278Univ Granada, Fac Psicol8530
1279Univ Granada, Inst Neurociencias F Oloriz21117
1280Univ Granada, Inst Neurociencias Federico Oloriz116
1281Univ Granada, Inst Neurosci145
1282Univ Granada, Inst Neurosci F Oloriz759144
1283Univ Granada, Inst Neurosci Fed Oloriz137
1284Univ Granada, Inst Neurosci Federico Oloriz1821
1285Univ Granada, Sch Med102
1286Univ Granada, Sch Phys Act & Sport Sci102
1287Univ Groningen112
1288Univ Groningen, Heymans Inst100
1289Univ Groningen, Med Ctr128
1290Univ Haifa, Behav Ctr100
#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
1291Univ Haifa, Brain & Behav Ctr11414
1292Univ Haifa, Dept Psychol21419
1293Univ Haifa, Dept Psychol & Brain100
1294Univ Halle Wittenberg, Inst Med Epidemiol Biometry & Informat1013
1295Univ Hamburg, Hosp Eppendorf133165
1296Univ Hawaii100
1297Univ Hawaii, Dept Med104
1298Univ Hawaii, John A Burns Sch Med25667
1299Univ Heidelberg, Cent Inst Mental Hlth7919
1300Univ Heidelberg, CIMH112
1301Univ Heidelberg, Dept Addict Behav & Addict Med200
1302Univ Heidelberg, Dept Gen Psychiat100
1303Univ Heidelberg, Dept Neuroimaging100
1304Univ Heidelberg, Dept Psychol Neurol & Neuroradiol117
1305Univ Heidelberg, Klin Abhangiges Verhalten & Suchtmed100
1306Univ Helsinki, Cent Hosp219
1307Univ Helsinki, Cognit Brain Res Unit119
1308Univ Helsinki, Dept Psychiat3413
1309Univ Helsinki, Dept Psychol206
1310Univ Helsinki, Dept Publ Hlth106
1311Univ Helsinki, Inst Clin Med100
1312Univ Hlth Network, Mood Disorders Psychopharmacol Unit100
1313Univ Hosp Aachen, Dept Neurol1442
1314Univ Hosp Bern, Dept Neurol1251
1315Univ Hosp Bern, Dept Psychiat1318
1316Univ Hosp Bonn, Dept Epileptol104
1317Univ Hosp Ft de France, Dept Psychiat1010
1318Univ Hosp Geneva, Dept Med Genet & Labs103
1319Univ Hosp Geneva, Dept Neurol111
1320Univ Hosp Geneva, Dept Pediat111
#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
1321Univ Hosp Geneva, Dept Radiol111
1322Univ Hosp Geneva, Div Substance Abuse100
1323Univ Hosp Network Badajoz, Extremadura Hlth Serv SES100
1324Univ Hosp, Dept Psychiat1318
1325Univ Hosp, Landspitalinn104
1326Univ Hosp, Psychiat Serv103
1327Univ Hosp, Serv Psiquiatrico105
1328Univ Hosp, Unit Patol Dual & Conductas Adictivas1422
1329Univ Huelva, Dept Psicol100
1330Univ Hull, Clin Neurosci Ctr112
1331Univ Hull, Dept Psychol102
1332Univ Illinois115
1333Univ Illinois Urbana Champaign, Dept Psychol308
1334Univ Illinois Urbana Champaign, Neurosci Program101
1335Univ Illinois, Beckman Inst1212
1336Univ Illinois, Beckman Inst Biomed Imaging Ctr1010
1337Univ Illinois, Coll Med101
1338Univ Illinois, Dept Med1425
1339Univ Illinois, Dept Neurol111
1340Univ Illinois, Dept Psychiat921154
1341Univ Illinois, Dept Psychiat MC 9122425
1342Univ Illinois, Dept Psychol3111
1343Univ Illinois, Neurosci Program100
1344Univ Iowa2025
1345Univ Iowa, Carver Coll Med232215
1346Univ Iowa, Coll Med31751
1347Univ Iowa, Dept Neurol688357
1348Univ Iowa, Dept Psychiat2047
1349Univ Iowa, Dept Psychol251188
1350Univ Iowa, Dept Radiol102
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