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4 August 2011
Records: 1052, Authors: 3525, Journals: 314, Cited References: 44689, Words: 2387
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitution | Institution with Subdivision | Country
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#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
1051Dubai Police Med Serv100
1052Duke Univ1014
1053Duke Univ, Dept Psychol & Neurosci105
1054Duke Univ, Sch Nursing102
1055E China Normal Univ, Shanghai Inst Brain Funct Genom102
1056E Tennessee State Univ, Quillen Coll Med206
1057Early Psychosis Intervent Ctr100
1058Ecole Cent Paris, Lab Math Appl Syst100
1059Edith Norse VE Med Ctr101
1060Eli Lilly & Co, Lilly Corp Ctr105
1061Emory Univ202
1062Emory Univ, Dept Anthropol101
1063Emory Univ, Dept Psychiat1039
1064Emory Univ, Rollins Sch Publ Hlth101
1065Emory Univ, Sch Publ Hlth102
1066Emory Univ, Yerkes Natl Primate Res Ctr1039
1067Erasmus MC Univ Med Ctr Rotterdam, Dept Radiol100
1068Erasmus Med Ctr, Dept Psychiat107
1069ERESA, Dept Radiol100
1070European Neurosci Inst, Dept Neurobiol100
1071Fdn Argibide, E-310070 Pamplona100
1072Fdn Vallee101
1073Feinstein Inst Med Res1019
1074Felsenstein Med Res Ctr, Lab Biochem Genet100
1075FFCLRP, Dept Psicol & Educ100
1076Florida State Univ, Coll Criminol & Criminal Justice100
1077Forschungszentrum Juelich, Inst Neurosci & Med 4100
1078Fourth Mil Med Univ, Dept Radiol200
1079Franklin & Marshall Coll, Dept Psychol101
1080Free Univ Brussels, Brain Res Unit102
#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
1081Free Univ Brussels, CENOLI102
1082G De Lisio Inst Behav Sci105
1083Gaziosmanpasa U Tip Fak, Psikiyatri AD100
1084Geffen Sch Med1019
1085Geha Mental Hlth Ctr, Child & Adolescent Psychiat Div100
1086George Washington Univ, Dept Anthropol100
1087George Washington Univ, Med Ctr102
1088Georgetown Univ, Sch Med1010
1089Georgia Hlth Sci Univ, Med Coll Georgia101
1090Georgia Inst Technol, Dept Biomed Engn102
1091Georgia Inst Technol, Wallace H Coulter Dept Biomed Engn100
1092Georgia State Univ, Ctr Econ Anal Risk100
1093Georgia State Univ, Dept Sociol101
1094Ghent Univ IBBT, IBITECH Medisip100
1095GlaxoSmithKline Inc, Neurosci CEDD100
1096Goldsmiths Univ London, Dept Psychol101
1097Grad Univ Chinese Acad Sci102
1098GSK Addenbrooks Hosp1016
1099Guangdong 2 Prov Peoples Hosp, Addict Med Div100
1100Guangdong 2 Prov Peoples Hosp, Dept Med Imaging100
1101Gulhane Mil Med Acad, Dept Med Pharmacol100
1102Gunma Prefectural Psychiat Med Ctr1011
1103Gunma Univ, Grad Sch Med1011
1104Hacettepe Univ Psikoloji Bi, Psikoterapi Arastirmalari Lab100
1105Hadassah Hebrew Univ, Med Ctr104
1106Hadassah Univ Hosp, Dept Nucl Med1034
1107Hadassah Univ Hosp, Dept Psychiat1034
1108Hallym Univ, Sacred Heart Hosp109
1109Hammersmith Hosp, Hammersmith Imanet Ltd105
1110Harvard Univ100
#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
1111Harvard Univ, Dept Psychol209
1112Harvard Univ, Med Sch1016
1113Helsinki Univ Cent Hosp, Hosp Children & Adolescents106
1114Henri Mondor Hosp, AP HP103
1115Hlth Dist 8 ASL 8, Sardinia Reg Dependence Coordinat Unit105
1116Hokkaido Univ, Sch Med100
1117Hop Louis Mourier, Psychiat Serv109
1118Hop Paul Brousse, AP HP100
1119Hop St Anne, Serv Hosp Univ1010
1120Hop Univ Paul Brousse, Dept Psychiat & Addictol100
1121Hoshi Univ, Sch Pharm & Pharmaceut Sci102
1122Hosp Clin Barcelona, IDIBAPS107
1123Hosp Ramon & Cajal100
1124Hosp Ramon & Cajal, Serv Neurol100
1125Hosp Ramon & Cajal, Serv Psiquiatria100
1126Hosp Sanitas La Moraleja, Serv Neurol100
1127Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Ctr Invest Medicamento100
1128Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Ctr Invest Medicamentos200
1129Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Nucl Med Serv100
1130Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Unidad Conductas Adict100
1131Hosp Univ Gregorio Maranon, Retiro Mental Hlth Serv103
1132Hosp Univ Vall dHebron, Dept Psychiat100
1133Hosp Univ Vall dHebron, Psychiat Genet Unit100
1134Hosp Univ, Serv Psiquiatr101
1135Houston VAMC103
1136Howard Univ, Coll Med100
1137Hunan Brain Hosp, Dept Addict Med102
1138Huntington Med Res Inst, Clin Spect Unit100
1139IFIBYNE UBA CONICET, Inst Fisiol Biol Mol & Neurociencias100
1140IFT Inst Therapiefroachung Muenchen102
#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
1142Iida Hosp, Dept Rehabil Med101
1143Imperial Coll Sch Med, Fac Med105
1145Indiana Univ Purdue Univ Indianapolis, Dept Psychol106
1146Indiana Univ Purdue Univ, Dept Biomed Engn106
1147Indiana Univ Purdue Univ, Dept Psychol100
1148Indiana Univ Sch Med, Program Med Neurosci106
1149Indiana Univ, Dept Biol105
1150Indiana Univ, Kinsey Inst Res Sex Gender & Reprod105
1151Indiana Univ, Sch Med306
1152INeC, BR-14040901 Ribeirao Preto100
1153ININFA UBA CONICET, Inst Invest Farmacol100
1154Innsbruck Med Univ, Dept Psychiat1019
1155INRA, SENAH UMR1079100
1157INSERM, U7961010
1158INSERM, U888103
1159Inst Addict Med100
1160Inst Adicc100
1161Inst Adicc Madrid, CAD 4100
1162Inst Forens Med100
1163Inst Invest Biomed Barccelona, CSIC1066
1164Inst Psychiat & Neurol, Dept Pharmacol102
1165Inst Psychiat & Neurol, Dept Prevent & Treatment Addict102
1166Inst Psychiat, Dept Biostat & Comp104
1167Inst Psychiat, Dept Psychol104
1168Inst Psychiat, Dept Psychol Treatments Res107
1169Inst Sinapse Neurociencias Clin, Campinas100
1170IRCCS San Camillo100
#Institution with SubdivisionRecsTLCSTGCS
1171IRCCS Santa Lucia Fdn100
1172Italian Inst Technol, Brain Ctr Social & Motor Cognit101
1173Italy Japan Joint Lab Humanoid & Personal Robot R101
1174Jagiellonian Univ, Coll Med101
1175Jagiellonian Univ, Marian Smoluchowski Inst Phys100
1176Jeevan Biosci INC102
1177Jiao Tong Univ, Sch Med100
1178Johannes Gutenberg Univ Mainz, Nukl Med Klin & Poliklin100
1179Johannes Gutenberg Univ Mainz, Univ Med100
1180Johns Hopkins Univ, Dept Psychiat & Behav Sci101
1181Juntendo Tokyo Koto Geriatr Med Ctr, Dept Neurol107
1182Kalamazoo Coll, Dept Psychol102
1183Kangda Voluntary Drug Rehabil Ctr, Changsha 410007102
1184Kaohsiung Kai Suan Psychiat Hosp, Dept Psychiat100
1185Kaohsiung Med Univ Hosp, Dept Nursing100
1186Karolinska Hosp, Dept Clin Neurophysiol1015
1187Karolinska Inst100
1188Karolinska Inst, Dept Neurosci100
1189Karolinska Univ Hosp, Karolinska Inst105
1190Kazusa DNA Res Inst104
1191Kazusa DNA Res Inst, Dept Human Genome Technol100
1192Kellokoski Psychiat Hosp100
1193Kent State Univ, Coll Nursing103
1194Kent State Univ, Dept Psychol102
1195Kings Coll London, Dept Med & Mol Genet103
1196Kings Coll London, Dept Neurosci & Psychol Med101
1197Kings Coll London, Guys Hosp100
1198Kings Coll London, MRC Social Genet & Dev Psychiat Ctr103
1199Kings Coll London, St Thomas Hosp101
1200Kiryu Kosei Gen Hosp1011
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