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Author(s): Nishiura S; Shioya Y; Taniguchi Y
Title: Multi-band deep optical imagings of the Hickson compact groups
Date: 2003
Document Type: Book in series : Proceedings Paper
Language: English
Address: Univ Tokyo, Astron Inst, Kiso Observ, Nagano 3970101, Japan.
Reprint: Nishiura, S, Univ Tokyo, Astron Inst, Kiso Observ, Nagano 3970101,
Japan. E-mail:
Author Keywords:
Abstract: In order to investigate photometric properties of faint optical envelopes around compact groups of galaxies, we performed multi-band deep optical imagings of the Hickson compact groups HCG 40, HCG 79 and HCG 94. After subtracting off models of all the galaxies, it is found that there are the faint optical envelopes around them. We also found that light fractions of the faint optical envelopes to whole groups are about from ten to thirty percents for each group. These values correspond to the mass fractions of the optical faint envelopes to the group dynamical masses, about a few percents. Furthermore, we found that the optical color of each faint optical envelope are similar to those of G, K, and M type stars. These optical colors are also similar to those of envelopes of cD galaxies. Our results indicate that-the faint optical envelopes around compact group are attributed to low mass stars liberated from the group member galaxies through past and on-going frequent tidal interactions. This study shows that some fractions of stars in compact group of galaxies are liberated and formed the optical faint envelopes around them. Preliminary results of deep optical imaging of about fifty Hickson compact groups are also reported in this small paper.
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