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3 April 2010
Records: 721, Authors: 956, Journals: 1, Cited References: 71070, Words: 1229
Yearly outputDocument TypeLanguageInstitutionInstitution with SubdivisionCountry
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#Date / Author / JournalLCSGCSLCRCR
701699 Davis SN, Greenstein TNANNUAL REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY. 2009; 35: 87-105 001119
702700 Freese J, Shostak SANNUAL REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY. 2009; 35: 107-128 004153
703701 Telles EE, Sue CAANNUAL REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY. 2009; 35: 129-146 003167
704702 Wharton ASANNUAL REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY. 2009; 35: 147-165 00289
705703 Spilerman S, Stecklov GANNUAL REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY. 2009; 35: 167-189 003113
706704 Swartz TTANNUAL REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY. 2009; 35: 191-212 003126
707705 Weitzer RANNUAL REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY. 2009; 35: 213-234 000137
708706 Kestnbaum M
The Sociology of War and the Military
709707 Sakamoto A, Goyette KA, Kim CANNUAL REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY. 2009; 35: 255-276 001125
710708 Schrock D, Schwalbe MANNUAL REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY. 2009; 35: 277-295 000161
#Date / Author / JournalLCSGCSLCRCR
711709 Southworth C, Stepan-Norris JANNUAL REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY. 2009; 35: 297-320 003147
712710 Davis-Blake A, Broschak JPANNUAL REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY. 2009; 35: 321-340 00182
713711 Silbey SSANNUAL REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY. 2009; 35: 341-369 003180
714712 Whyte MKANNUAL REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY. 2009; 35: 371-392 001123
715713 Walder AGANNUAL REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY. 2009; 35: 393-412 003138
716714 Mayer KUANNUAL REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY. 2009; 35: 413-433 005162
717715 Fischer CS, Mattson GANNUAL REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY. 2009; 35: 435-455 007220
718716 DeLuca S, Dayton EANNUAL REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY. 2009; 35: 457-491 009232
719718 Blossfeld HPANNUAL REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY. 2009; 35: 513-530 001143
720719 Cerulo KAANNUAL REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY. 2009; 35: 531-552 011196
#Date / Author / JournalLCSGCSLCRCR
721721 Gereffi G, Christian M
The Impacts of Wal-Mart: The Rise and Consequences of the World's Dominant Retailer
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