Bill Granizo - An Autobiography in Pictures


Lottie Gilson, from London, became his steady. She was not very attractive but could sing happy, sad, and risque songs while dancing the waltz on the stage. Large hips and big breasts earned her the title of the "Little Magnet". He called her "Annie Rooney" which was the song that she had made famous. Instead of attending school, he spent the days at Luchow's Beer Hall drinking champagne and eating pig knuckles with "Annie". There would be bouquets of yellow roses at their table. Sometimes O.Henry would stop and greet them. Their only argument was about O. Henry and Mark Twain. He favored Twain because he was outlawed at Fordham. Every evening, the center seat in the first row at the 14th Street Theater was reserved for him. These were the happiest days of his life with intentions that they would never end. But his mother got word of his lack of attendance at Fordham and the honeymoon ended. If it hadn't I would not have been born.

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