Bill Granizo - An Autobiography in Pictures


Dad brought home a pack of Camel cigarettes and smoked one. He said to us "Smoking kills all the germs in your throat and so its good for you." Mom disagreed stating that not one Granizo had the vice nore would the Wagners. A friend, Clara, smoked so she ended up with the cigarettes, and since my birthday was near, she made me a pinata. It was a bull-like animal but as far as I was concerned, it was a camel. I broke the pinata and heard everyone scream. While still blindfolded, my hand reached inside and pulled out its contents. Many future dreams repeated the event, but with a better ending, for in dreams I pocketed off the cany and trinkets instead of letting them fall. This event started my synchronicity with cames as well as the recalling of dreams...

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