Eugene Garfield, Ph.D.

Art Collection 

ISI Building at 3501 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104.  Designed by Venturi Scott Brown Associates
Denise Scott Brown of Venturi Scott Brown Associates wins the Vilcek Foundation Prize for outstanding achievement in the arts and humanities.

Art at ISI
    Jennifer Bartlett - In the Garden
    Handel Evans - Interpenetrations
    Guillermo Wagner Granizo - Cathedral of Man   Also seeBill Granizo (Guillermo Wagner Granizo) relates his autobiography in tile murals
    Guillermo Wagner Granizo and Lark Lucas - Art at the Caring Center
    Lark Lucas - Women of the Earth
    Lark Lucas - Ninos Huicholes
    Lilli Ann Killen Rosenberg - A celebration of working parents and their children and Mural at the Caring Center
    Emeteria Rios Martinez - Pilgrimage to Wirikuta
    Turtles from the Garfield collection
    Joseph Slawinski - Communication (A sgraffito mural) and Hammered copper image of Eugene Garfield
    Gabriel Liebermann - ISI �s �World Brain� : The Worlds First Holographic Engraving

Other Works by Emeteria Rios Martinez
Birth of the Sun   E. Garfield - Brief history of the Mural at University of Pennsylvania
Birth of the Sun - mural  by Emeteria Rios Martinez
Mural dedicated to children at the ISI Caring Center
    now residing at The Caring Center, 3101 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia
Myths of the Huichol Indians by Emeteria Rios Martinez  on loan to the Denver Art Museum
Pilgrimage to Wirikuta
Description of the mural by the Denver Art Museum - Acrobat pdf file - 
Huichol Art at The Scientist